Sunday, December 27, 2009


Wants... so many of them in one life.

As a kid we want a lovely toy that we saw from the window of a toy shop. When we grow a little old, we start worrying about our science projects. A little older we are worried about our report cards and our parent's reactions to it. When with friends we want some one to like us just the way we do. A little older we pray for our choice of stream. Then Our choice of course and college. Later in life, a nice job with nice salary and perks. Later a lovely and beautiful wife or a smart and stunning husband. Then lovely kids... Then the process starts all over again with us as parents... We pray for all the things for our children just as they grow from toddlers to teenagers to adults.. The cycle does not stop here.. It continues with our wishes for our grand children..

At every stage we always find one particular wish to be the most important without which its almost impossible to live. We remember our gods each time and pray to her like its the last time we are asking for something and as if this is what is going to be making all of my life. However, with each stage comes a new urgency, a new wish, a new desire, a new step stone of life. It will be very unfair to term one as the one. For each stage the wish at the time is the one.

I was just wondering though, how change of wishes on our part must be confusing for the GOD. We always thought we wanted this and prayed hard for it. But later we are a changed person and we want something different. Wishes change just like we do with every phase of life. Wants and desires change with time...

When I look back in my life, I actually never thought that I will be asking for what I ask now. I had very different wishes.. very different wants... I never thought of wanting so much.. But now I think I do... However, I now realize that even this wanting is something temporary like always. Although this does not stop me from wanting but yes it does help me in making myself understand that this wish is not my last. This wish and want is not my life.. Its just a wish and a want. If the wish is granted I will be very happy but even if not, I am capable of wishing for more..

Seems strange suddenly what I am saying... It seems that I wish so much.. Not like that but the life is so beautiful in this sense that It never leaves the hope in actuality. It always hope and wish for a better future. Wish is a window of hope for a better future and a better life.

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